Hello WLA Members: For your information, Governor Inslee announced the expansion and extension of the original eviction moratorium order through Thursday, June 4th. Evictions are prohibited for people in a variety of living situations, including those staying in transitional housing and for motor home owners renting in lots. The order also bans landlords or property […]
Author: orca
WLA Updates: Beneficial Resources During Coronavirus Pandemic
WLA UPDATES: Beneficial Resources During Coronavirus Pandemic Dear WLA Members: Please see new guidelines for landlords, tenants, mortgage, payments and other beneficial resources during coronavirus. Financial Resources for Consumers The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions has developed a list of financial resources for Washington consumers impacted by the Coronavirus. We will add to this list as […]
Senator Darnielle Wants No Criminal Records Search on Tenant Screening Reports Statewide!
ALERT! Senator Darnielle Wants No Criminal Records Search on Tenant Screening Reports Statewide! Senate Bill 6490 Criminal Records SB6490 By, Darling Folsom Meet Senator Darneille, of Tacoma, District 27. She believes it is “just” to pass a similar bill as the one in the City of Seattle for the whole State of Washington based on the […]
When: January 30th, 2020 9:00 am Where: Capitol Address: 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW Olympia, WA LEGISLATIVE DAY ON THE HILL 2020 DAY ON THE HILL AGENDA TENANT AND EMPLOYMENT SCREENING www.orcainformation.com Tenant Investigations Pre-Employment Background Check Consumer Credit Report
December 2019 Newsletter
Information Packed! *City of Seattle: WA Supreme Court Ruling on “First in Time” Ordinance *Fair Chance Housing & Other Ordinances – Landlords Responses and Impact on Crime in Seattle *Pre-Employment Inquiries and Arrest (Charges) and Conviction *Don’t Miss the Flyer for Fair Hiring Class Offering! http://www.orcainfo-com.com/uploads/December2019Newsletter.pdf TENANT AND EMPLOYMENT SCREENING www.orcainformation.com Tenant Investigations Pre-Employment […]

Premium Tenant & Employment Screening Reports Nationwide
TENANT AND EMPLOYMENT SCREENING www.orcainformation.com Tenant Investigations Pre-Employment Background Check Consumer Credit Report
October 2019 Newsletter
(Corrected) FEATURING: *A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT * TIRED OF FILLING OUT LEASES BY HAND? * NEW RENTAL APPLICATIONS! *NEW MANUFACTURED HOUSING ASSOCIATION! AND MUCH MORE……… (Email address correction for Theresa Janzen included) October 2019 Newsletter TENANT AND EMPLOYMENT SCREENING www.orcainformation.com Tenant Investigations Pre-Employment Background Check Consumer Credit Report

King County NARPM September Luncheon
Please join us September 24th, 2019 from 11am to 1pm for our monthly Luncheon. Our speaker will be Rebekah Near CEO at Orca Information. **TO RSVP PLEASE respond to the monthly Evite or email Adriana at agomez@bell-anderson.net TENANT AND EMPLOYMENT SCREENING www.orcainformation.com Tenant Investigations Pre-Employment Background Check Consumer Credit Report
The links and resources on this site are provided for your use free-of-charge to help resolve landlord-tenant disputes. For an initial consultation with a lawyer, call 206.443.8678 or complete our Contact form. Revised Code Of Washington (RCW) The Unlawful Detainer Statute (RCW 59.12) The Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RCW 59.18) Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Washington City and County Codes Seattle Municipal Code […]
Knowing Fair housing rules for Tenant and Employment Screening are paramount. Many Rental Managers and staff are being shopped, scrutinized, and complaints filed by Fair housing agencies regularly. Costs of managing a complaint against your company is staggering. By attending this class – MINIMIZE LIABILITY by receiving updates on regulations, hear techniques shoppers use to […]