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Senator Darnielle Wants No Criminal Records Search on Tenant Screening Reports Statewide!


Senator Darnielle Wants No Criminal Records Search on Tenant Screening Reports Statewide!

Senate Bill 6490  Criminal Records SB6490

By, Darling Folsom

Meet Senator Darneille, of Tacoma, District 27.  She believes it is “just” to pass a similar bill as the one in the City of Seattle for the whole State of Washington based on the belief of “racial disparity” (see statistics below on true Seattle racial disparity).  Senator Darneille believes possibly putting our low-income population, children and single mothers, disabled, and elderly at similar risk as those in city of Seattle, is a “good thing”?  Senator Darneille wants to chance increasing the risk of theft, robbery, drug crimes, and child molestation?  Child Trafficking?  She wants to take the risk – the chance of keeping playgrounds empty?  Parents are now keeping their children away from playgrounds because instead of being a safe, fun and happy place, parents consider them a “target area” for criminals to stalk, coerce and even steal their children.  A child sold on the underground market these days will bring in a good sum of money.  It is more lucrative than drug trafficking.

 True Story

Lindsey Fausto was in Seattle with her brides-maids celebrating her soon to be marriage.  Late that night while picking up a few items in a Walgreens downtown Seattle, they were chased by a crazed man waving a huge knife, shouting obscenities, and threatening to slash everyone.  Lindsey and her companions ran for their lives.  How the staff at Walgreens faired you may find in crime statistics IF they even arrested man.

In 2016 the “Fair Chance Housing Ordinance” was passed in Seattle.  Using the claim of racial inequality (inordinate percentage of black males incarcerated than white males) as the basis of justifying this ordinance – this sounded plausible.   This “Fair Chance Housing Ordinance”  requires a landlord to NOT request, view or consider a criminal record search when an applicant applies for a rental. Senator Darnielle, democrat, now wants this statewide.

Man Commits Robbery 19 Times – Each Time Picked Up and Released – Never Charged!

Those who love the Seattle “Fair Chance Ordinance” swear statistics show no increase in crime since they passed it in summer of 2016.  They even list recent crime statistics to prove it.  However, they forget to mention the laws and the policy of law enforcement have been modified to fit the “no increase in crime” narrative.  Minor and serious offenders are picked up and then released repeatedly.  No, they are not charged or convicted as they would have been five or so years ago.  So now there are no records of the crimes.  How horrifying for the victims of the crimes and their loved ones.

Recently in the news, one man robbed stores in Seattle 19 times and each time was picked up by police, brought in, then released – and never charged.  He was let go, back to the streets.  So the criminal records statistics have been purposely manipulated?

Recently three people were murdered in Westlake Mall area. One victim was a 9 year old boy.  One of the suspects has 21 arrests, 3 felony convictions and 12 gross misdemeanors.  The 2nd suspect has 44 arrests, 1 felony and 18 gross misdemeanor convictions.

Since the passing of this “Fair Chance Ordinance” has Seattle experienced an increase in crime?  Watch the video, IS SEATTLE DYING?  Produced by KOMO News Station.

Let Senator Darneille of Tacoma, District 27 Know You Care

You care about the most vulnerable, even if she does not (or so it seems) in our society and care about your family and neighborhood and demand she do what is right for the common good.  Her contact information is below.  or call: 360-786-7652 or Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 / Sen.Jeannie Darneille – D-Tacoma, 27th District

Fight this bill!

We need help fighting this horrifying bill.  For more information on how you can help stop this blatant assault on our “Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Our Community” contact,

Some Statistics

PROLIFIC OFFENDERS IN SEATTLE’S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM (research statistics) found “Racial Disparity” to be true.  What they found was shocking because it goes against everything I have been told by those in Seattle and King County about minorities being incarcerated far more than whites.  The researchers found the following:

….The demographics of this sample population (Seattle jail population) roughly match the demographics of the larger population of those incarcerated at King County Jail. A 2015 study described the jail population as 80 percent male, 20 percent female, 64 percent white, and 26 percent black. (3 times more white than black!).

Look the stats up at:

Executive Summary

KING County Crime Statistics

King Co-Crimes-CENSUS DATA.pdf 

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