BRIDGING THE DIVIDE: ‘FAIR CHANCE HOUSING’ Q13 FOX Bridging the Divide is a weekly series that brings opposing sides of a controversial topic together, face-to-face. Each week, Brandi Kruse hosts the two sides for a positive dialogue on issues ranging from gun control, to policing, to politics. This week: “Fair Chance Housing” Does a landlord have […]
Category: Orca News
Looking For Affordable Housing In Washington State? is a non-profit website formed to connect low income households with affordable apartment communities throughout Washington State. Listings are voluntarily advertised on our site by owners and managers of rental apartments for low-income households whose annual income is below 80% of area median income. The properties listed on include both subsidized and non-subsidized apartment rentals offering […]

Landlords suing Seattle over ‘First in Time’ law have their day in court
Source: SEATTLE — A Seattle law requiring landlords to take the first qualified tenant who applies has been in effect for more than year. But it’s also been in litigation for most of that time. Landlords who are suing the city of Seattle over the ordinance had their big day in court on Friday. They […]
Declutter and reduce your risk. Did you know that a messy desk and a disorganized office are the biggest culprits in putting confidential information at risk? Watch our video, follow our 4 tips, declutter and reduce your risk. You’ll learn: How to prevent confidential information from ending up in the wrong hands The effect of […]
Workplace harassment policy sample
This Workplace Harassment Policy template is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. A Workplace Harassment Policy may also be referred to as an Anti-Harassment, Employee Harassment, Sexual Harassment or Racial Harassment Policy. Policy brief & purpose Our anti-harassment policy expresses our commitment to maintain a workplace that’s free of […]
Seattle’s Fair Chance Housing Workshop and Q&A session on February 7, 2018.
Fair Chance Housing Legislation In August 2017, the City of Seattle passed Fair Chance Housing legislation to help prevent unfair bias in housing against renters with a past criminal record. The new ordinance prevents landlords from unfairly denying applicants housing based on criminal history. It also prohibits the use of advertising language that automatically or […]
Facts About Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for […]
New city of Seattle Rental Application
URGENT! TEMPORARY – CITY OF SEATTLE RENTAL APPLICATION (clients not yet received their customized new Rental Applications) DOWNLOAD CITY OF SEATTLE RENTAL APPLICATION FINALIZED – CITY OF SEATTLE RENTAL APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE (for clients who have received customized applications but need additional new wording on 2nd page of application). DOWNLOAD CITY OF SEATTLE RENTAL APPLICATION […]
[New] Rules for Adverse Action
Step 1: Written notice and authorization from applicant is required BEFORE you can order a consumer report/background check for employment purposes. You must notify the individual in writing – in a Stand Alone document. This Stand Alone document is the Release Authorization Notice. The applicant is giving permission for your company to request a background […]
Background check : What Employers Need to Know
FTC When taking an adverse action (for example, not hiring an applicant or firing an employee) based on background information obtained through a company in the business of compiling background information, the FCRA has additional requirements: Before you take an adverse employment action, you must give the applicant or employee: a notice that includes a copy of […]