HUD HQ requested that we share the email below, as this email message was recently sent to O/As with contracts facing immediate funding lapses. This week, NAHMA, our industry partners, and national media outlets learned that an estimated 1,150 contracts were not renewed prior to government shutdown, despite HUD’s assurances prior to government shutdown. Specifically, HUD was not able to renew 650 rental assistance contracts up for renewal in December and an additional 500 January contracts will not be renewed. If you are one of these contracts, it is imperative you follow the guidance in the email below and this memo to ensure you are speaking with the appropriate HUD staff that can address your problem. Due to the government shutdown, HUD is operating with a very limited staff nationally. At this time, it is imperative that ALL Members review and monitor the funding level on your contracts. With the exception of the 1,150 non-renewal contracts, described above, it is NAHMA’s understanding that all other PBRA contracts have funding or access to reserves to at least cover January and February operations. If this is not the case, please reply to this email and let me know as soon as possible. |
As mentioned in the January 4 letter (attached) to owners/agents of HUD-assisted properties, most properties are receiving rental subsidy payments as usual. If your property is not receiving payment or is experiencing an emergency situation and has a Reserve for Replacement account subject to HUD oversight, you may request to utilize those funds to pay property operating expenses. To ensure your request is promptly processed during the shutdown period, please complete form HUD-9250 and submit via email to the Asset Management Division Director of your assigned HUD field office, according to the list below. The form must include the current balance in the account, a withdrawal amount, and the remaining balance. It should also include a statement confirming that the released funds will be reimbursed to the reserve for replacement account once HUD appropriations funding is restored. If you are not sure of your assigned HUD office or asset director, please contact Jen Larson at |
Atlanta | Tawana Anderson – |
Baltimore | Brenda Brown – |
Boston | Joe Crisafulli – |
Chicago | Debbie Gray – |
Denver | Eileen Hearty – |
Detroit | Susie Sapilewski – |
Fort Worth | Christie Newhouse – |
Jacksonville | Laurelei McKnight – |
Kansas City | Ed Manning – |
Minneapolis | Laura Simpson – |
New York | Dean Santa – |
San Francisco | Janea Jackson – |
Jen Larson
Director, Asset and Counterparty Oversight Division
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight (OAMPO)
(202) 402 -7141
Other Questions?
DeAnn Hartman
Executive Director