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Fair Housing Workshops

Our Mission:

To eliminate unlawful discrimination through education, mediation, and enforcement that is responsive to a diverse King County.

Are you in the right place?

Our office has authority to handle discrimination complaints ONLY FOR King County government and for employers, housing providers, and businesses in the UNINCORPORATED parts of King County (outside the cities).

If you have a complaint or question about possible discrimination:

The office investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination. We work as impartial fact-finders and does not represent any party.

KC Anti-Discrimination Ordinances

Fair Employment (KCC 12.18)
Fair Housing (KCC 12.20)
Public Accommodations (KCC 12.22)
Fair Contracting (KCC 12.17)

Compliance (Title VI and Disability Access)

As a recipient of federal funds, King County government complies with federal laws which prohibit discrimination against people because of their race, color or national origin, and in some cases, sex, age or low income status. Our office is a Title VI compliance resource to county agencies, and investigates public grievances alleging Title VI violations by the county.

Our office helps to make King County government programs, facilities and services accessible to people with disabilities. Members of the public who feel that county programs, services or facilities were not accessible may contact the Civil Rights Program.



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